Playing Cards – Advanced Class


Advanced Playing Card Reading Class So often we limit ourselves and view things the same way again and again. We think there is one answer or, “The right answer”, or the advice, “The Universe wants us to have…” when there are perspectives based on where are looking at a situation from. The difference between an…

Advanced Playing Card Reading Class

So often we limit ourselves and view things the same way again and again. We think there is one answer or, “The right answer”, or the advice, “The Universe wants us to have…” when there are perspectives based on where are looking at a situation from.

The difference between an OK psychic and a really great psychic is the ability to shift that perspective and see things from several angles within the larger context of a person’s life.

The Advanced Playing Card class uses games and exercises to help you push out of your comfort zone and really tap into your intuition.

I’ve taught people in the basic class all about prediction. And while we continue with that in this Advanced class, I demonstrate how to use the cards to show a process to a goal. In other words: we be shifting the view from, ‘What’s going to happen to me?’ To ‘How do I make this happen?’

The cards open in very spooky ways when you do that.

I also teach people how to do the Russian Star as it was taught to me.

I will show people four rather unusual meanings of the suits that open the cards up in ways that allow them to read the suits in multiple layers so they can approach a reading from a multiple of perspectives.

I had a specific request to show people how to move past limitations in readings, so I address that.

I also start by illustrating and emphasizing the difference between using the cards mechanically vs psychically which, I believe is the number 1 thing that limits people’s abilities.

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