Black Cat Oracle Deck


The Black Cat Oracle.  Developed from decades of divination experience plus serious mind sciences training, hypnosis application  and what I’ve learned in my Tibetan Bon training with a master.  Message me to get yours. 100%plastic cards that can withstand a flood! I have it sent directly to you from the printer. Like no other oracle…

The Black Cat Oracle.  Developed from decades of divination experience plus serious mind sciences training, hypnosis application  and what I’ve learned in my Tibetan Bon training with a master.  Message me to get yours. 100%plastic cards that can withstand a flood! I have it sent directly to you from the printer. Like no other oracle you’ve ever used.

Inspired by the love and creativity of the 40s through the 80s but full of ancient secrets disguised in camp and colour that only unlock when you use the deck…
I designed this as a collection of private jokes that  show the answers humans  have been seeking are right in front of their eyes…
Remember, curisoity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back.
Lucky Lynx Fortune